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Sujal Manandhar
Sujal Manandhar

Nicolae Guta Si Cristi Dules Am Noroc In Toate Zippy

Nicolae Guta si Cristi Dules - Am Noroc In Toate

Nicolae Guta and Cristi Dules are two of the most famous singers of manele, a genre of music that originated in Romania and is influenced by Turkish, Arabic, Greek and Balkan sounds. Manele is often associated with weddings, parties and celebrations, as well as with themes of love, money and success.

One of their most popular songs is "Am Noroc In Toate" (I Have Luck In Everything), which was released in 2007 as part of the album "Duete, Vol. 2" by AMMA Music. The song is a catchy and upbeat tune that expresses the joy and gratitude of having a good life, a beautiful partner and a lot of money. The chorus goes like this:


Stiu ca am noroc in toate

Ca am o viata frumoasa

Si o iubire adevarata

Stiu ca am noroc in toate

Ca am bani si multe fete

Si nu ma lasa Dumnezeu

The translation is:

I know I have luck in everything

That I have a beautiful life

And a true love

I know I have luck in everything

That I have money and many girls

And God doesn't leave me

The song has over 400,000 views on YouTube and has been praised by many fans of manele for its catchy melody, positive message and energetic performance by the two singers. You can listen to the song on YouTube or download it from, where you can also find other songs by Nicolae Guta and Cristi Dules.

If you are looking for a song that will make you feel good, dance and sing along, then "Am Noroc In Toate" is a great choice. It is a song that celebrates the good things in life and the power of luck. As Nicolae Guta and Cristi Dules say in the song:

Cine are noroc are

Cine nu are sa se roage

Sa-i dea Dumnezeu putere

Sa reziste la necazuri

The translation is:

Who has luck has

Who doesn't have should pray

For God to give them strength

To resist the troubles


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